Tag: professional development
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The New Teach@CUNY Handbook

The Vicarious Trauma of Being a Prison Educator

Teach Your Own Research (and Ultimately Teach Yourself)

Developing A Socially Conscious Pedagogy: Lessons in Teaching, Learning, and Unlearning

Research and Teaching: Why Integrate Them?

Forget Making the Grade

Grading Tips from the TLC

Ask Andy: Time Management

Reflecting, and Looking Forward

The First Trimester: Accommodating Students (and Faculty)

Teaching With the Body

Professional Development and Academic Life (When You’re Mentally Dis/abled)

Discovering Your Teaching Persona

Teach@CUNY Day 2017: Affirming Our Values

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Teaching (the Humanities) at Community Colleges: Thoughts from CUNY Faculty

Open Teaching Initiative, Teach@CUNY
The Open Teaching Initiative

Open Teaching Initiative, Teach@CUNY
Observation Should Be Part of Our Formation

Open Teaching Initiative, Teach@CUNY
A Cross-Disciplinary Tour of CUNY Classrooms

Open Teaching Initiative, Teach@CUNY
Increasing Our Reach

Open Teaching Initiative, Teach@CUNY
The Pedagogical Value of Watching Others Teach

What Was I Scared Of?

What Beyoncé Taught Me About Boundaries; Or, How I Learned That Being “Good Enough” is Enough

Faculty Observations: Navigating the Follow-Up Conversation

Math Autobiographies