Tag: active learning
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COVID, Reflective Practice, Teach@CUNY
In Search of Meaning: Coop-ing with the World Out There

Stop, Collaborate, and Zine

Conflict in the Classroom

Questioning nuestras prácticas lingüísticas

Collaging Point of View

Communication as Praxis, Reflective Practice
Teaching Questions

Learning Shouldn’t Hurt, or How My Dog Made Me a Better Teacher

The New Teach@CUNY Handbook

Balancing Teaching & Research as a Graduate Student

Navigating Age: The Student/Teacher Divide

It Takes a Village: Creating Spaces for Collaboration in a College Classroom
TLC Talks…Aesthetics

Introducing a New Digital Resource: Museum Pedagogy in the Classroom

Research and Teaching: Why Integrate Them?

Rethinking Participation, Teach@CUNY
Rethinking Participation: Get Up and Move

Open Teaching Initiative, Teach@CUNY
Reframing My French Lesson with Focused Energy

Triple-Entry Journals: Engagement and Reflexivity

First Day Activities, Teach@CUNY
First-Day Activities: First-Day Freewriting

First Day Activities, Teach@CUNY
First-Day Activities: Writing a Class Constitution

First Day Activities, Teach@CUNY