
Meet Our New Contributing Writers!

Photo by Emi Yañez:

Visible Pedagogy is pleased to announce the four GC students who will serve as contributing  writers during the Fall 2017 semester: Ana Flávia Bádue (Cultural Anthropology), Rachel Bogan (Sociology), Inés Vañó García (Latin American, Iberian and Latino Cultures), and Alison Walls (Theater).

Their series will explore a range of topics—from putting your research and activism into dialogue with your teaching, to enlisting students to co-create place-based and experiential learning opportunities, to navigating students’ motivations for studying the Humanities, particularly when their short-term, material concerns conflict with instructors’ ambitions for their learning.

Read more about the writers and their series here, and look for their contributions starting next week!



1 Comment

  1. Amanda Almond

    Wow. What an outstanding group of individuals and range of topics! I am looking forward to reading their contributions.

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